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How much does it cost?

Currently the subscriptions are £5.50 per week or £50 per term (around 11 weeks)

This means that if you cannot commit to coming every week (or nearly every week) you can pay weekly, but you will get a better deal if you pay termly.

What does your subscription cover?

Hire of Hall

Conductor's fee

Accompanist's fee

Public Liability Insurance

Purchase or hire of music, photocopying etc.

Admin fees such as postage, stationery.etc.

As you will be aware, the outgoings are the same each week regardless of how many people attend a rehearsal. Therefore it is important that we cover costs on a regular basis.

We make a small charge to our audiences at concerts, and some of this money helps to boost our outgoings.

If there is any left, we make a decision, as a choir, as to which charity we wish to support.

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