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Music for Sale

Sometimes we have "sung a piece to death" and it needs to go so that we don't bore our audiences! Below is a list of music which is for sale and also some recommended pieces which we have sung but are not available for hire. For instance sometimes I purchase a licence to photocopy a downloaded piece of music and that means it is only available for us to use, so we are unable to hire it out. The details below include a weblink where you can purchase a title for yourself.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

3 part mixed

Freddie Mercury, arr Ben Parry



This was such good fun and very popular with both singers and audience. No major surprises, a bit of harmony, echo phrases and nothing too high. We added drums to give that rock and roll feel!

This is a download from - you pay £15 for the right to print off and take 30 copies for your choir to sing. Excellent value!

Sing Nowell and The Babe in Bethlem's Manger Laid

3 part male voice choir unaccompanied


Roberton Publications 53064

24 copies available FOR SALE

£5 for the set or 30p each  NEW


TWO SONGS FOR MALE VOICE CHOIR TTB - Sing Nowell is in 7/8 and The Babe in Bethlem's Manger Laid is in 12/8.


These were accidentally purchased as part of a bundle and I didn't notice until far too late that they were 3 part male voice and not 3 part mixed.  Had them for a while but never used, so as new. The first piece lasts 1'10" and the second around 2 1/2 minutes.

Sing for Pleasure

Wide variety of publications for both adults and children


Sing for Pleasure has a wide variety of publications suitable for everyone from young children, through community choirs and on to intermediate choirs. Impossible to select one book as I have them all and use them for vocal warm ups, easy two part singing through to some really nice part song arrangements. Link below to the adults songbooks but have a look on the site for the children's stuff. Remember too that if you are a member of Sing for Pleasure you also get reduced hire rates on this site!!

Swing Low Sweet Chariot

from Faber Four Jazz Spirituals

SA (B)

Now don't skip over this one - just because it is an old spiritual doesn't mean that you know it!! This version from the Faber Young Voices series is written for SA and optional Baritone. It has a lovely blues style intro and the rhythms are not always what you expect. Hey, the sopranos don't always get the tune either! I love this, it is one of my favourites - it comes in a book called Four Jazz Spirituals but you can also get it as a single download from where you pay £15 for a licence to make up to 30 copies for your choir.


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